The Surinam Toad (Pipa pipa)

As humans, we tend to anthropomorphise animals. An animal's level of 'cuteness' will often be directly linked to a standard we created for ourselves and are able to project onto other creatures.  Frogs have never had an easy time in human history. Due to folklore and an old fantasy book - much like the snake - frogs are seen as evil creatures. However, some frogs find it harder to captivate humans than others. The Surinam Toad is one of them. 

The Tale of the Missing Tail

In September this year, Mushu had to have his tail amputated and it all started with a blood sample test.

For a couple of months, Mushu had been refusing to eat. I had been monitoring his mass (more commonly referred to as weight) and bowel schedule for some time. Although his mass didn't seem to be affected, he went through nearly 3 weeks without defecating. That's when I decided that a vet visit was in order.

Review: Cold Blood - Adventures With Reptiles And Amphibians by Richard Kerridge

Although I absolutely adore reading about wildlife, when it comes to the usual nature writing book, I tend to struggle with the cheesiness. Now, I don't mean to say that all nature writing books are cheesy. In fact, there are some very good nature writing books out there. However, generally speaking, the vast majority of these types of books will contain a certain element of human philosophy and self-discovery through nature that, to be completely honest, bores me a bit.

Do you speak Lizard?

Keeping exotics takes an enormous amount of preparation. First and foremost, you need to do some serious research into the captive care of these creatures to make sure you provide for all of their basic needs. You must also find a good exotics specialist vet who will be able to treat your animal should the need arise. However, I believe it is absolutely essential to research and understand their lives in the wild if you are to provide them with the happiest life they could possibly get in captivity.